Armed Forces Careers Day

On the 4th April 2011, the First and National Diploma Uniformed Public Service students from Chesterfield college, were taken to Grantham for the Armed Forces Career Exhibition, Where they saw an active displays from the Royal Marine Commandos and Static diplays, from the Royal Air Force and the Army, they even had rotating climbing walls which some of the lads attempted to climb. Overall it was a good day and everybody learned what they needed to about their chosen service. This was until it started to rain, but thankfully that was towards the end of the day.

Royal MArine Commandos Combat Display Team

Royal Marine Commados Display Team

Royal Marine Commados

RAF Vehicle Commanded by UPS students

RAF Vehicle Driven by a UPS Student, with supervision from a RAF Officer

Red Arrow on Display

Red Arrow and five UPS students

Royal Navy Lynx Helicopter