
My Brother and a couple of his friends are sky diving for the British Heart Foundation. i would if i wasn't so scared of hights. But that aside I am helping him raise money for both the BHF and so he can actually do the sky dive.

13th April 2011

Ont the 4th June we will be going ahead with the coffee morning at Hasland Methodist Church. Proceeds will go to the Church and towards the fundraising for the skydive. At this event there will be alsorts of refreshments and the helpers might be walking round in British Heart Foundation Shirts. More later...

4th June 2011
With the Coffee Mornign starting at 10:00am, it was an early start for the helpers. Last minute touches were added to the cakes and tables were set out. There were flashes of red as the helpers dashed between the kitchen and the tables.

 The Helpers
A Person from the Council was there...

Overall it was a very eventful day and after the few hours of rushing around, we sat down for a well earned cup  of tea. All our hard work paid off as we raised just over £140, which everyone there said was a great achievement.

The Ring Leaders Niki Harris and my brother Garry Robson, with my Little Brother Ben Robson

Taking an Order

There was more than this when we started

Advertising the Event.